Pedestrians’ safety campaign: पाऊल पुढे? – हात समोर! – Phase 2

Why do we need this campaign?

Pedestrians’ fatalities have suddenly jumped in Pune in the last 4 years.  Nearly twice as many pedestrians died in Pune in 2023 as compared to 2019!  SPTM has therefore launched this campaign to save pedestrians’ lives.

पुण्यातले पादचारी मृत्यू गेल्या ४ वर्षांमध्ये खूपच वाढले आहेत. २०१९ च्या तुलनेत २०२३ मध्ये जवळपास दुप्पट पादचारी मृत्युमुखी पडले आहेत!  पादचार्‍यांचे जीव वाचवण्यासाठी “सेव्ह पुणे ट्राफिक मूव्हमेंट”ने ही मोहीम सुरू केली आहे.

Join the campaign!

You can join the campaign in multiple ways!

Donate for the cause

Small amounts as an individual, or larger funds through a CSR or similar program.  Every bit matters when saving lives!

Volunteer in the campaign

Click on the button below to let us know your interest and what you can do.  We will contact you as and when there are suitable requirements.

Connect us with the right people

Do you know someone who could be a large donor, or someone who can provide us many volunteers?  Please click on the button below and let us know!

Phases of the campaign

Phase 1 (done): Making the video

The video that describes the solution was released in February 2023, and has attracted over 1.25 lakh views.

Another video that explains why you should hold out the hand in front of you and not to a side, was also released in 2023.

Phase 2 (Current): Pilot with a few schools
What children learn in their formative years stays with them forever.  With that focus, we will be reaching out to about 10 schools in September-October 2024, urging them to extend this technique to their students as the ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ of crossing a road.
Phase 3: Reach out to all schools in Pune

Phase 2 will tell us what is the most effective way of reaching out to school students.  In 2025, we will extend the campaign to all schools in Pune.  It will thus reach out to about 2,50,000 students and their family members.  We are also planning to start reaching out to the college students in 2025.

Phase 4: Expand to all demographic groups in Pune

We know it’s going to be many long battles, but we are here to win the war!  Years 2026-27 will target college students, the working class and senior citizens so that pretty much everyone in Pune adopts ’पाऊल पुढे? – हात समोर!’ while crossing roads.

Read on to know the basics of the campaign!

पाऊल पुढे? – हात समोर!

Any campaign needs the following attributes to be successful, and this campaign has them all.

1. A solution that works

In 2010, the town of Angamali, Kerala, reduced pedestrian fatalities by as much as 50%.

The solution that worked in Kerala can surely work in Pune too, and has a potential to save 50-60 lives annually.

2. A catch phrase

पाऊल पुढे? – हात समोर!  The name of the campaign itself explains the solution.  Commit it to your memory – it could save your life!

3. Outreach

Yes, of course!  How will the solution reach the masses otherwise?

This campaign will have various phases to ensure that it reaches the entire city.  We have completed Phase 1 and the campaign is entering Phase 2 in September 2024.

Below you can find more information on the various phases planned.

Yeah, but will this technique help?  What else should the pedestrians do?  And why must only the pedestrians do something – why don’t you target the drivers, PMC, traffic police?

For these and other such frequently asked questions, please click the button below.