Save Pune Traffic Movement

Promoting safe, sustainable and inclusive transportation

Why donate to SPTM? Donations to SPTM qualify for tax benefits under section 80(G). Please fill in this form if you are thinking of donating Rs 25,000 or more. Donate to SPTM!

Donate to make pedestrians safe and instantly get your receipt!

In 2009, the town of Angamali, Kerala, reduced pedestrian fatalities by as much as 50%!

Based on their experience, we have developed a method to walk and cross roads safely. If all of Pune uses this method, we are sure that pedestrians will be much safer. Please help us reach this method out to all of Pune, by donating generously. Thank you!

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Why donate to SPTM?

SPTM is poised to make Pune roads safer

  • SPTM is the NGO coordinating the activities of PMC's official "Pune Road Safety Committee", with Pune's Mayor as its Chairperson.
  • SPTM is also a member PMC's "Non-Motorized Transport Committee", which looks after projects that benefit walking and cycling. Note that about 30-35% of all road crash fatalities in Pune are pedestrians.

What is SPTM planning to do?

To improve pedestrians' safety:
  • Work with PMC to ensure bright and visible, well placed and designed zebra crossings at all signalled intersections
  • Pedestrian signals installed with timings as per Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines
  • Work with PMPML to ensure that bus drivers are trained adhere to stop line at signals
To change Pune Traffic Police's mindset towards pedestrians, convince them to:
  • Ensure that (stop lines and) pedestrian signals are honoured by everyone (including traffic police!) so that pedestrians can cross at ease and convenience
  • Improve adherence to zebra and stop line at traffic signals
For objective analysis of road crashes, leading to evidence based decisions:
  • Convince Police to implement and use an IT-based accident recording system
Here is a complete list of projects in the Pune Road Safety Campaign. SPTM is coordinating the entire campaign with respective Government organizations and NGOs.

Why does SPTM need financial support?

  • To conduct campaigns and capacity building workshops.
  • To conduct surveys, to promote data-driven, objective decisions.
  • And for advocacy, so that the government organizations implement projects to make Pune safer.

But why focus on road safety?

Many of us support NGOs that help persons from financially or socially deprived sections of the society.  There is no doubt that many of these NGOs do outstanding work and need our support.

But consider this- how would you react if a large airplane crashed in Pune every year, year after year?  And a similar airplane in Pimpri-Chinchwad, Nagpur, Nashik...?  You would raise a hue and cry, wouldn't you?

How do you react when more than 200 persons are killed in road crashes in Pune every year?  What makes you feel "???? ???? ???? ?????"?

Aren't the government official supposed to make our roads safer? Why do we need an NGO to work on this?

To make our roads safer,
  • Someone needs to run a campaign to increase usage of helmets
  • Someone needs to make PMC improve our zebras and pedestrian signals
  • Someone needs to help PMC design walkable footpaths
  • Someone needs to train drivers to stop before stop lines
  • And someone needs to weave such activities in a "Pune Road Safety Campaign"
SPTM is that "someone", and we are working to save your and our lives!

Help us help you!

(Good! I am willing to make a donation!)