Save Pune Traffic Movement

Promoting safe, sustainable and inclusive transportation

Three ways to help us save pedestrians’ lives!

Bronze Donor

“Out of pocket”, micro-donations of Rs 1,000-5,000.  Donate online by clicking “Support SPTM” below.

Silver Donor

Rs 10,000 will help us save one life.  Can you please pick the tab for one or two lives?  We suggest that you make a bank transfer (details below), though you can always donate online too, by clicking on “Support SPTM”.

Gold Donor

Go ahead! Proudly associate your or your business’ name with the campaign!  Write to us on-

Bank transfer

  • Name of account: Save Pune Traffic Movement
  • Bank of Maharashtra, current a/c number : 60065703874
  • Branch: Mayur Colony, Pune.
  • IFSC: MAHB0000852 (MAHB, four zeros, 852)

(Donations must be only in INR, from a bank in India, and by Indian citizens.  Donations are eligible for benefits under 80G.)

After you make the donation, please mail following info to

  1. Your postal address
  2. PAN
  3. Email ID
  4. Bank transfer reference no

If you would like to understand the entire concept in full detail, please see this video (~23 minutes).  But if you only want to get the gist of it, please read on below.

Pedestrian fatalities in Pune

Pune sees about 250 road crash fatalities annually.  About 80 of them are pedestrians.  This trend was observed till 2019, and was slightly declining.

WAS, unfortunately.  The numbers are rising now!

Here comes 2022

2020 had very low traffic because of COVID restrictions and saw only 34 pedestrian deaths.

2021 saw it spring back to 84.

2022 – In first 6 months alone, 48 pedestrians lost their lives.

Will we see 100 pedestrians’ deaths in 2022?

We must reverse this trend!

In 2010, Angamali in Kerala reduced pedestrians’ fatalities by 50%


Not some phoren place.

Angamali, Kerala.

If Angamali can do it, why can’t Pune?

Inspired by what Angamali did, we have developed a method to save 40 lives in Pune.


Pune must know this method!

This method is best explained with a video.  A top director has agreed to make this video for us, with top cast.  This video is bound to go viral, but we are going to spread it to schools, and to parents through students.  In addition, we are going to target societies, vastis, Sr citizen clubs, companies etc too.

This needs some funds.  A donation of Rs 10,000 can save one life.  It could be someone you know!

Donations to SPTM are eligible for benefits under Section 80(G).