Save Pune Traffic Movement

Promoting safe, sustainable and inclusive transportation

Accessible Crossings

Efforts by Pune Municipal Corporation’s Non-Motorized Transport Committee (of which SPTM is a member) to make it easier and safer for pedestrians to walk and cross resulted in PMC building a Mid-block crossing (MBC) on Shastri Road in Navi Peth last year. The modern design of this MBC enables people to cross the road without having to step up and down, from footpath to footpath.

To observe the ‘White Cane Day’ on 15-Oct-2022, Save Pune Traffic Movement (SPTM), in association with The Poona School and Home for the Blind Girls, had organized an event in order to make people aware of this facility and to acknowledge PMC’s good work, so that more such MBCs may be built.

Some visually impaired persons as well as some blindfolded sighted persons crossed the road at this MBC, and instantly understood the importance of being able to cross a road without having to step up and down.

Such crossings are useful not only to the physically challenged, but also to seniors, to anyone carrying some bags, to anyone with an injured foot.  To everyone, really!

The Indian Road Congress (IRC) guidelines also recommend such design. We hope PMC builds such MBCs at periodic intervals on all divided roads in Pune.